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9-1 Final Project Submission End of Workplace Analysis Plus Case Study Analysis

9-1 Final Project Submission

Q OL 500 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a case study analysis. Through the practice of analysis and application of human behavior theories and concepts, you will develop your critical thinking skills and the ability to properly diagnose root causes of organizational issues while recommending solutions that create sustainable positive change within an organization. You will analyze the case study entitled “Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad,” which is contained within the custom Textbook/Case Study bundle. The case study will present a list of known organizational issues. You will apply knowledge of human behavior theories and concepts to properly identify and analyze the multiple root causes of the organizational issues from a human behavior perspective. Your analysis will include an examination of the resulting impact of relevant theories and concepts. After identifying and analyzing the multiple root causes and their impact from a human behavior perspective, you will develop targeted solutions that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues. This section of the final project will allow you to practice application of human behavior theories and concepts aimed at improving organizational effectiveness and leading organizations in a proactive rather than a reactive manner. Throughout your case study analysis, you will validate your insights with information from a variety of research sources. Upon completion of your case study analysis and recommendation of target solutions, you will analyze workplace issues from a past or present place of employment from a human behavior perspective. As with your case study analysis, you will develop targeted solutions that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, Six, and Seven. The comprehensive case study analysis will be submitted in Module Nine. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes: • Appraise human behavior theories and concepts as multiple root causes of organizational issues for effectively leading an organization • Analyze human behavior problems within an organization for informing properly targeted solutions that improve human behavior • Develop logical solutions that directly address relevant organizational issues for improving organizational effectiveness and strategically leading organizations • Apply human behavior theories and concepts to current and past places of employment for improving morale and communication within a workplace Prompt In this assessment, you will review and analyze the case study entitled “Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad,” applying human behavior theories and concepts to develop targeted solutions. Once you have completed the case study analysis, you will then apply the same process to an actual workplace experience either past or present. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction a) Develop a clear explanation of the organizational issues within the case study. b) Outline a clear direction for the case study analysis that includes all of the elements you plan to include. II. Root Cause Case Study Analysis In this part of the assessment, you will review an organization from a case study, looking specifically at organizational issues. a) Identify root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective. b) Analyze root causes from a human behavior perspective and validate the analysis with supportive research evidence. c) Explain the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts. III. Solutions Development In this section, you will create solutions that will help improve the situation of the organization from the case study. a) Create organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues. Apply human behavior theories and concepts and validate your recommendations with supportive research evidence. b) Recommend strategic actions that would lead the organization in a proactive manner. Be sure to apply human behavior theories and concepts when crafting your recommendations. IV. Workplace Analysis In this part of the assessment, you will take a look at an actual work experience that you have encountered in a past or current workplace. Here you will conduct a more in-depth version of the root cause case study analysis. a) Explain actual workplace organizational issues drawing from your own experience. b) Analyze root causes from a human behavior perspective and validate the analysis with supportive research evidence. c) Examine the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts. d) Create organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues. Apply human behavior theories and concepts and validate your recommendations with supportive research evidence. e) Recommend strategic actions that lead organizations in a proactive manner. Be sure to consider human behavior theories and concepts when crafting your recommendations. V. Conclusion The conclusion is your opportunity to gather your final thoughts regarding the case study as well as your workplace analysis. a) Summarize key points of analysis in the case study. b) Summarize insights gained from practical application of human behavior theories and concepts to an actual workplace. [OL-500-04] Milestones Milestone One: Introduction (Section I) In Module Two, you will submit the introduction section of your final project. Develop a clear explanation of the organizational issues within the case study and outline a clear direction for the case study analysis that includes all of the elements you plan to include. Provide enough detail to support and defend your final project. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Root Cause Case Study Analysis (Section II) In Module Four, you will submit the root cause analysis section of your final project. Based upon the information identified in Milestone One and with your instructor’s feedback, consider the case study and identify specific organizational issues. This assignment should specifically identify root causes of the organizational issue(s) from a human behavior perspective. You will analyze the root causes from a human behavior perspective and validate the analysis with supported research. Explain the impact and results of poorly aligned human behavior theories and concepts. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Solutions Development (Section III) In Module Six, you will submit the solutions development section of your final project. Based upon the information identified in Milestones One and Two and with your instructor’s feedback, in Milestone Three, you will develop solutions that will aid in improving the organization from the case study situation. In addition, you will create specific organizational improvement outcomes and recommended strategic actions that serve as a direct antidote to the organizational issues in a proactive manner. Milestone Three will also be supported by human behavior theories and concepts and recommendations will be validated with evidence of supportive research. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: Workplace Analysis (Section IV, Parts A, B, and C) In Module Seven, you will submit the workplace analysis section (Parts A, B, and C) of your final project. Based upon the information identified in Milestones One, Two, and Three and with your instructor’s feedback, in Milestone Four, you will consider an actual work experience and conduct a detailed and in-depth version of the root cause case study analysis. This milestone will include a description of the actual organizational issue from a human behavior perspective. You will analyze root causes and validate the analysis with evidence of supportive research. Include an examination of how poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts may impact the situation. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric. Final Submission: End of Workplace Analysis Plus Case Study Analysis In Module Nine, you will write the last part of Section IV (Parts D and E) and the conclusion (Section V) of your final project. To complete Section IV, you will develop organizational improvement outcomes that serve as a direct solution to the organizational issue (validated by human behavior theories and evidence of supportive research). The last phase of this milestone, Section V, is to recommend strategic actions that provide proactive leadership, considering human behavior theories and concepts that support your recommendations. Combining your conclusion with revised work from your milestones, submit your comprehensive case study analysis. The conclusion is the final phase of the case study analysis. With each milestone completed in previous modules, you have also acquired detailed feedback from your instructor. For this last phase of the project, you will gather your final thoughts regarding the case study and your workplace analysis. It is expected that you will incorporate any corrective measures offered to you by way of instructor feedback in each of the milestones. Your final submission should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric. Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading One Introduction (Section I) Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric Two Root Cause Case Study Analysis (Section II) Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric Three Solutions Development (Section III) Six Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Four Workplace Analysis (Section IV, Parts A–C) Seven Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric Final Submission: End of Workplace Analysis Plus Case Study Analysis Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The final case study must be 10–12 pages (not including title page, references, or appendices), double-spaced, with 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA sixth edition format. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Explanation Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates research offering significant background information about the organizational issues Develops a clear explanation of the organizational issues Develops explanation of the organizational issues but contains issues regarding clarity Does not develop an explanation of the organizational issues 6.75 Introduction: Direction Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates significant additional information about the direction of the case study analysis Outlines a clear direction for the case study analysis Outlines a direction for the case study analysis but contains issues regarding clarity Does not outline a direction for the case study 6.75 Root Cause Analysis: Organizational Issues Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a robust and comprehensive review of the organizational issues Identifies the root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective Identifies the root causes of known organizational issues but does not apply a human behavior perspective Does not identify the root causes of known organizational issues 6.75 Root Cause Analysis: Root Causes Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a comprehensive analysis of the root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective Analyzes root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective and validates analysis with supportive research evidence Analyzes root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective but does not validate analysis with supportive research evidence or is cursory or contains inaccuracies Does not analyze root causes of known organizational issues 6.75 Root Cause Analysis: Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates comprehensive critical examination of the resulting impact with insightful comments and supportive evidence Explains the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts Explains the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated theories, but the explanation is cursory or irrelevant Does not explain the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts 6.75 Solutions Development: Organizational Improvement Outcomes Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommends creative and detailed organizational improvement initiatives Creates organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues, applies human behavior theories and concepts, and validates recommendations with supportive research evidence Creates organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues but does not apply human behavior theories and concepts or does not validate recommendations with supportive research evidence Does not create organizational improvement outcomes 6.75 Solutions Development: Strategic Actions Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommends creative and detailed strategic plans while referencing specific human behavior theories and concepts Recommends strategic actions that lead organizations in a proactive manner by applying human behavior theories and concepts Recommends strategic actions that lead organizations in a proactive manner but does not apply human behavior theories and concepts Does not recommend strategic actions 6.75 Workplace Analysis: Organizational Issues Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a robust and comprehensive review of the workplace organizational issues Explains actual workplace organizational issues Explains actual workplace organizational issues, but the explanation is cursory or irrelevant Does not explain actual workplace issues 6.75 Workplace Analysis: Root Causes Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a comprehensive analysis of the root causes of known organizational issues from a human behavior perspective Analyzes root causes of workplace organizational issues from a human behavior perspective and validates analysis with supportive research evidence Analyzes root causes of workplace organizational issues from a human behavior perspective but does not validate analysis with supportive research evidence Does not analyze root causes of workplace organizational issues 6.75 Workplace Analysis: Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates comprehensive critical examination of the resulting impact with insightful comments and supportive evidence Examines the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts Explains the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated theories, but the explanation is cursory or irrelevant Does not explain the resulting impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts 6.75 Workplace Analysis: Improvement Outcomes Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommends creative and detailed organizational improvement initiatives Creates organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues by applying human behavior theories and concepts and validates recommendations Creates organizational improvement outcomes that are a direct remedy to the organizational issues but does not apply human behavior theories and concepts or does not validate recommendations Does not create organizational improvement outcomes 6.75 Workplace Analysis: Strategic Actions Meets “Proficient” criteria and recommends creative and detailed strategic plans while referencing specific human behavior theories and concepts Recommends strategic actions that lead organizations in a proactive manner by applying human behavior theories and concepts Recommends strategic actions that lead organizations in a proactive manner but does not apply human behavior theories and concepts Does not recommend strategic actions 6.75 Conclusion: Key Points Meets “Proficient” criteria and incorporates research information offering significant insights Summarizes key points of analysis from the case study Summarizes key points of analysis from the case study, but the summary is cursory or inaccurate Does not summarize key points of the case study 6.75 Conclusion: Insights Meets “Proficient” criteria and offers a well-thought-out reflection of insights gained Summarizes insights gained from practical application of human behavior theories and concepts Summarizes insights gained, but the summary is cursory or inaccurate Does not summarize insights 6.75 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 5.5 Earned Total 100%

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The rate of success enjoyed by Engstrom from its inception year of 1948 had got deteriorated. This is because of an attempt to ensure acquisition of the latest technology-improvements. The deterioration had taken place during the later years of the 20th century. There had been issues associated with appropriate levels of production for Engstrom because of this attempt. There had been consequential loss in the existing customer-loyalty which had been enjoyed by Engstrom in the past years (Beer & Collins, 2008, p. 3). It was in the year of 1998 that there had been elimination of the existing manager of the company. This had occurred because there had not been a majority support received by the manager from the members of the union. Thereafter, there had been a supportive approach adopted by Ron Bent (the newly hired manager) to incentivize the employees.